Fighting in a world not his own
Disquiet was a common feeling amoung the tribe and Nahele wondered how they ever survived under Dawali's rule. The low-life was in his proper place now that Maska had arrived, but there was still the poisoned minds of his followers to deal with. After his incident with Liliana, Nahele had taken to patrolling the streets, flaxen gold eyes washing backwards and forewards to catch anyone trying to sneak out to their great and mighty failure who had yet to show his face again. Hele wasnt the type show mercy where there was no mercy to be given and he had no trouble in striking the female who had opposed them. It was perhaps her parents upbringing that had turned out such a bad seed, or maybe the problem lied elsewhere. Nahele had looked to Nayati at that point, his opinion of the white furred Triber already low from his outburst at the meeting. It was his fault for not having a tighter control on his mate, for not disciplining her to be obediant to higher authorities. And while Nahele worked under Maska, his authority was higher than hers. He was happy in his convictions that he was in the right and had taken to swooping by the stables at random intervals to make sure she was doing as she was told.

So far, she was. But should there be a time when she chose to rebel, Nahele would be there to make sure she knew that the higher power was always watching. With a crude staff in hand, the male moved through the tribe like a police officer, deflective golden eyes wide for signs of trouble. It was then that a howl rang clear, a call for assistance. His thoughts immediately going to the Tribers who were not so happy with their intervention, the male took off. Hania gave a yowl where he sat on top of Nahele's head, small enough even as a cat to drap himself on his head and neck. Nahele was pleased he was invisible- it would look a ridiculous sight for him to be walking round with a margay on his head. Still, it was where the spirit guide spent a lot of his time and Nahele knew he would do anything to keep Hania happy.

A lighter coloured male came into veiw and Nahele slowed as he saw the male on his own. Confusion marred his tawny face as he approached him. "Hello. What were the reasons for your calling?" He asked, formal and stiff. He knew the male to be a new recruit into AniWaya and he therefore didnt expect him to understand the ancient language with which they usually spoke. Reverting to this inferior language was tedious, hence the stiffness in his words. But there was nothing he could do about that, so he remained, hands tucked into the bowstring cutting across his chest.

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