Mini Vacation at the Falls! (p)
Tawny smiled and nodded at Range happily, rolling the rocks together in her hands slowly as she looked around in her bag for something. After finding a few lengths of string she'd taken from what looked to be an old flag, she turned back towards the male and made a soft growly noise in her throat. "Go swim!" Running forward, she gave him a gentle push on the shoulders, causing him to tip backwards into the water. Laughing, she walked away and perched herself up on a rock, watching him as she braided the strings together to make a thicker piece of twine.

The girl leaned back and continued working, smiling each time she heard a splash coming from the water below. Her fingers moved quickly, braiding the strings and twining the thin pieces of cloth around the two rocks. She spaced them about two inches apart and then made small knots on either side. Altogether the entire necklace was about two feet long, definitely long enough to fit around his neck and tie easily. When she was done, Tawny stood up and watched him swimming for a few moments, smiling softly. Her voice was loud and more confident as she called him this time, due to her calmness with him and the area.

"Range! Your p-pretty is done..." She held up the necklace and bounced on her toes, body seeming to twitch nervously, hoping that he liked his present.

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