We're Gonna Go Adventuring
Tal arrived in time to hear Galileo's words about horse hair. He climbed into the wagon, greeting each member in turn. He'd left a note for Liam, not even knowing if the boy would be home to find it or not. His mind was on his sweet Sky and the talk they'd had. She'd given him permission to court her, and he intended to do so. He wanted to win her over, to earn her trust and love, to someday call her his mate. He hoped he'd find some useful things in the pack they were going to visit. Or perhaps, something nice for Sky. New earrings, maybe. Something.

Evelyn, Skye, Bangle, Galileo. He recognized each of them. He didn't recognizer the other one. He smiled warmly, though, and attempted to strike up a conversation with the new face. "Hey there. I'm Tal. Writer, sometimes healer, and sometimes gardener. Planted the garlic, helped build the caravan." He grinned crookedly, raking his fingers through his short messy mane before straightening the pack he'd carried.

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