We'll fill the open air

OOC - Alright, Mya's gone. I really like how she's all crazy over Tal for really no reason at all. XD

As she danced with the tiny murky feline her eyes glazed over and thoughts whirled in her head. She should have known. Of course he liked someone... Her heart had sunk down to her stomach and her brain's gears were in dire need of a good oil. She slowly released the cat from her grasp robotically, in which a yelp was echoed somewhere distant from the kitten's mouth. Mya turned, hardly breathing, to get one last glance of the dancing pair.


She felt the dizzy feeling come over her as her zoned-in senses picked up the words he uttered. Beautiful. He thought she was beautiful. With one last disappointed frown she bent to pick the cat back up roughly in her arms. "I can't be here," the female heard herself say. Then her legs carried her as far away as she could manage before anyone could notice her. Of course, no one would notice her anyways. Tal hadn't. Why would anyone else?

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This amazing table by Sunny!

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