New Beginning... True Belonging.

OOC - haha, hit her right where she's sensitive.

She almost physically winced. Family. Of course he had family. She let out a sigh while he talked, almost not realizing it. Blinking out of her self pity she replaced a deep sadness in her eyes with a bright smile. "It sounds so nice to have such a large family," she said slowly. Her words were simply kind. This male was so friendly... so inciting. She was drawn to his every word and motion. She didn't want to ruin her chance of being his friend over family.


"My mother was a loner. Her mate was a low life male full of lies. He left when she got pregnant," she began, "Mom had me and my brother, Toby. They were great... the only family I ever needed." She surprised herself. Even though her heart was sinking into the pain, it almost felt good to speak about her family. Mya always tried to shut them in. Her brain had told her for so long that talking about them would make her miss them more. Now she wanted to. Was that because of Tal, or having a home? She wasn't truly certain.

"We were always traveling. Mom taught me about healing and stuff. I mean, as a loner some sort of knowledge with doctoring wounds helped out, so yeah. One morning, though, we woke up and Toby was gone without a single scent trail. Mom was never the same after he left..." The flash back occurred. She could hear the desperate cries in her head. The sobbing that had filled the air. She could feel her mother's needy hug. Mya swallowed hard to avoid tears, or whimpering. "Then around my two year mark, she died... She died protecting me." And with that she busily messed with the kitten in her arms.

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This amazing table by Sunny!

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