M - The Guillotine
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ooc: yeah we already worked that out. The new date for them to do this is coming up soon, so would you just like to fade to black with this one soon?+7

The woman noticed the male to only take two of the mushrooms, wondering if he really would be able to get a good trip from just two mushrooms. Panda was the woman whom would take at least three or four before she would have a nice fulfilling trip. She almost asked him about that, but found that the question might come off as strange to the male, so she did not ask it. He groaned at her while she was moving her hips against his, and he kissed her back when she had offered herself, but he had asked about Venom, against her lips. She felt slightly weird that he would asked about the boy, but the only reason he had not been near them was because he had a joint that he didn't want to go out, nor for it to burn anyone on accident. I'm going to join in with you two. he spoke, hearing the muffled words about the male thinking that he was going to 'play' as well. There's your answer the woman giggled against the lips of the painted male before she turned her head towards Venom as well. Come, Venom. I want some of that j. she spoke to her friend and he did move towards her, and she opened her mouth and he inhaled the smoke from the end of the stick and then he pushed their noses together and he let the smoke filter through his nose and into her own. She inhaled the smoke that he was transferring before she held the smoke and tried not to giggle about this all.

She found this all to be rather funny, for she knew that at some point, her and Venom would actually get together sexually. She found it even more hilarious that he and she did not get together without a third wheel for the second time now. It was a strange notion, and a funny thought to the woman, so she exhaled her smoke from her maw and she giggled lightly. She turned back to Ouija then, and she stood back up. She found that they might be more comfortable in her on the bed. She took the jar of mushrooms away from the painted male and she danced to the shelf she mounted them on before and then she had wiggled her rump and moved towards the room. We don't want anyone walking in on us... the woman spoke winking at both of them before she giggled again. Or do we? she asked, jokingly. She didn't want anyone to see her in this situation besides the ones she was committing the acts with. Come, My room is much more comfortable than out here she spoke, a smile on her maw as she invited the two to come into her room with an enticing wave of her hands.

The energy that was within her room was much different than the energy of the main room. The reason for this was because Panda's room was more protected spiritually than the main room, as was Venom's room. Panda's room was different than Venom's room as well though, since the shaman had a natural barrier around herself as well as her room, while Venom's room only had a shield from some spiritual offenses. Her own room had a thick shield that some people were not able to pass through easily it would seem. She was naturally like this, and that was why her room was like this as well. She openly invited the two in the room, so they should not have had any problems at all. Venom looked over to Ouija, shyly before he moved towards Panda's room. Venom had been shy with males, and he didn't normally sleep with them, but now...Now was the exception. Just because Panda was there to even it all out. Venom moved past the furs that made a door for her room and he then he looked back at Ouija. He didn't know who would want to go first, so he puffed on the joint and then handed it to Panda for her to hit it; which she did before she turned towards Ouija and offered it to him as well.


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