cleansing burn

and here I thought I wouldn't be able to put together even a 300 wc post xD

After some searching Keese eventually stumbled across something of some use. Though it was not the liquid he caught, but perhaps the faded volume could provide some assistance. He had founded the faded book in one of many drawers that he pulled from their holes. Leaving the drawers as well as their contents to scatter across floors already littered with debris. The faded yellow book had managed to survive the years since the fall of humanity without gathering too much moisture so that the thin pages had not stuck together. All the pages had faded yellow, but there were some that were a more distinguished yellow and it was these he quickly turned to. Thick luperci fingers fumbled through the pages and upon finding those with the addresses of the liquor stores he tore them from the book and dropped the mass of it that he had no need for.

Pages in hand he continued his search. Eyes looking from what street signs still stood to the pages in his hands. Hoping he might stumble across a match. For he had no map or knowledge of the city, so by themselves the pages were of little use. But still it was better than wandering around without any sort of clue at all. Still it was frustrating and the pieces of brittle paper became scrunched and creased in his hand. A few of the pages ripping in the many times he went over them, from street to street. Countless streets.

Eventually he come across a street sign and the name printed in the fading white letters clicked in his mind. He knew he had read upon the pages time and time again and he looked through his sheets, skimming for the street name. He missed it at first and it was his third time skimming the sheets at this particular corner before he found it. According to the building numbers he was not close. It was still several blocks away, but at least he had some direction. Sheets still clutched in his fist he made his way towards the address.

Whether it was the pain in his face that distracted and dulled his senses or simply the fact that he was quite engrossed in his tasked, Keese was only vaguely aware of the sounds of hooves on the cracked and split concrete roads. The sounds muffled by the vegetation that gte from the cracks and the debris littering the abandoned streets. It wasn't until he heard a voice call out to him that he was aware of the others so close. Startled, he visibly flinched and his free hand grabbed for the buck knife at the back of his belt. Though as the woman's offer processed in his mind his hand fell away and nodded. It was his lucky day. "Yes, please. It would be greatly appreciated." And he dipped his head respectfully. The unusual act showing just how much he truly did appreciate the offer. It wasn't until his gaze turned back up towards them from the bow of head that he really took a good look at the pair. The woman was intriguing. Her appearance was rather odd, but it had an exotic quality to it that left him staring a bit. "I'd keep the horses back, if I was you. The beasts don't like me much. It's a mutual thing." He said to the other male, his gaze pulling from the hi-colored femme.

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