First Kill
OOC: This is kinda short and icky. Distractions making it hard to focus on this. xD Anyhoo, I tried. lmao
WC: 300+

Tawny was nice and full; her body tired from the chase and the fight with the deer, though there wasn’t much fighting done at all. Pride swelled up in her chest when she really thought about what she had just done. The fact that she had motivated herself enough to actually get up and stalk the deer herd was a huge thing…but to actually follow through with the kill!? She had never done that before to a full grown buck. The only deer she’d ever taken down had been hours old fawns and yearlings. Excited suddenly, the young woman rolled to her feet and hopped up, about to start trying to drag the remaining carcass back to her hut.

As she turned around though, the soft sounds of whines and whimpers came from a few feet away and she tilted her eyes. Dark blue eyes widened when she saw Jace crawling closer slowly, crouched near the ground in a rather submissive pose. Tawny growled and rushed forward, baring her teeth at the other woman. The brown wolf crashed into the multi colored mix breed, knocking her down and tumbling away. When she popped up again though, there was no aggression; it was all playful and silly. Growling still, she scampered over and nuzzled her face into Jace’s neck.

Sitting up and smiling, the girl shifted into Optime form, ignoring the slight fear that trilled through her veins whenever she shifted. Her thin arms reached out and wrapped around the other female, snuggling her close and taking a deep breath of her scent. “Jace w-want some foods?” Her head tilted to the side and she grinned happily, pointing back towards the dead buck laying out in a puddle of blood. “You can has it all if you want.” The girl’s speech was getting a lot better than it was when the two females had first met. She was now able to understand quite a bit and there wasn’t as much stuttering anymore. Sure, some of her words were out of line in the sentences, but overall she was perfectly understandable.

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