sprouts and sunshine
mall-caps;font-variantConfusedmall-caps;letter-spacing:4px;">THE SPARK OF DAWN

Stretch on the toes, reach with the arm. Reach. Reach. Reach. "Dammit." The glistening, golden, beautiful chains and pendants were just beyond her short-armed reach, much to her frustration. There had to be a way to get them. There had to be a way. Climbing? She could clamber with the best of them, but the shelves didn't appear as though they could hold the weight even of her. Disappointment settled its way into her chest. She might have to return empty handed to her Auxiliary and the new brood of hybrid children. What a shame. What a damn shame.

Her prayers were answered in the form of a baritone voice just outside the building. Startled as she was, Tlantli spun on one group of clawed toes, fiery eyes narrowing on the dark-colored face of the wolf-man who had apparently followed her. Her head poked forward in an ugly gesture, black-lined lips curling upwards in displeasure as she handled the interruption in the only way she knew how: poorly. He was there to help, however — why turn away a longer grasp? Her tail swished to the side and back again, scattering the scent she'd been trying to ignore; she didn't want to admit that she'd been an idiot for leaving her homelands during her more 'sensitive' time of the year.

Finding her composure, she returned to her upright and straight position, brushing back her choppy locks with slender, feminine fingers. "Halp? You ahre offaring halp? Yes. Aye could use halp." She could use 'halp' indeed, for the golden trinkets she was trying to collect would be the perfect staple in renewing her relationship with the hybrid Auxiliary. The wolf would help her. He seemed...pleasant. Or stupid. She wasn't sure which she preferred. "Aye wast jchust trying to get the jewelry. Maye sister, she lieks shiny objacts." Oh, how she liked her shiny objects. Just like a crow.

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