Like thieves in the night
OOC: I'll not reply with Wematin this time, to sort of give the other Guardians a chance to be all Guardian-y XD (Nootau: Visible)

The meeting that was called set Ralla's heart to stone, if not only because any reason for this poisonous man to call a gathering could never bode well. She prayed that their little night escapade had not been discovered, and breathed both a sigh of relief and felt her heart shudder simultaneously at the accusations being made. The injustice...! It was Liliana's and Sunki's choices whether or not to stay; they were not prisoners in the tribe. But she saw the Guardians and the looks they gave them all, and not a moment later Ayasha stepped forward. Ralla opened her own mouth to stop her, but her daughter's words were too fast and flowed like a raging river. However much Ralla agreed with all the questions and statements--however much she wanted to agree and stand by them--now was not the time, and her heart completely froze with terror.

In a panic Ralla went forward and clutched the white girl to her, fear evident in her eyes. Ayasha had just properly insulted Maska and put herself in dire straits, and Ralla shielded her daughter with her body as she looked up to Maska and the Guardians. "Please forgive her," she whispered, tough as it was coming out of her throat, as she squeezed Ayasha tightly to keep her silent. She did not want this man's forgiveness or his permission or anything from him, but she would do whatever it took to protect her children. She had seen what they had done to their tribe already for the most trivial of things; what would they do to a petulant child who spoke out of turn? The white mother did not want to imagine it, but instead continued to stand between her daughter and the wrath of the poisonous man. Nootau screeched loudly from the top of his perch on a totem pole, but whether it was in fear for her, anger at the new men, or anger at her decision, she did not know.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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