More Than A Dare

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; Okay, whenever you want is fine cause yay wolf hunting! And poor Halo, but at least Libri got to use her to make sure Halo got her Symmy first. And if you want to end with your next post that is fine; 380 words

She understood that she had to bring back a new skull but she didn't understand the exact details of it. She wasn't certain where exactly to find a skull but she was determined to do whatever it took. But that was just her, doing whatever it took in order to gain some sort of acceptance. So even if she didn't know right off then she was certain to figure it out at least. There was always that constant drive to prove herself. Of course her being a living runt out to be proof enough of her strong will. But then again she also had her mother to thank for that. The female had kept her safe and had made sure that she was fed. Although that could have solely been because Symmy was the only girl of her litter.

The girl shuddered as her mission was given. It wasn't what she had to do that bothered her but just that the species was given a name. To her just saying wolf was like cursing. She felt like just the word alone was enough to taint the tongue and ruin someone. She refused to give them a name. She refused to even think of them as being sentient beings. No, they were monsters. They were the things that nightmares were made up of. So she hadn't a problem with their death. It only bothered her to have them spoken of in such a way. It was much more respect than they deserved.

"Symera Villisca." She stated her name as she rose to her paws. The small girl turned her back to the older female in order to face the line of skulls. "Come on, let us go find it and bring it back." In her mind she simply assumed that the adult would come along, if only to make sure that the job was done. After all her brothers always followed her after giving her a dare in order to make sure that she completed it. She simply assumed that it would be the same way with this as well. And because she was so certain that she would be followed she made her way easily back through the pikes and out past Inferni's borders to go on a wolf hunt.

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