Little [p]aws; big adventures

I've just been reading Anann's history, poor Anann Sad Also I love fresian horses SmileWC: 896 Sorry I am the queen of rambling XD

The mare was surprisingly patient with the young patchwork girl, watching her quietly with her large liquid eyes. Seeming to reply in appropriate places with whinnies and snorts as the little fae weaved her elaborate tales, the mare did not understand of course, but the noises she made were so well timed that it seemed to the little fae as if the large cream creature did indeed understand what she was being told by the multicoloured, excitable girl. The cream mare was even standing patiently, completely unphased by the blue eyed girl's bouncing about as she told the story, leaping and bouncing this way and that to show just how she had fought off these imaginary pirates. She rolled across the floor with a cry, showing how she had narrowly missed the pirate's sword, before leaping into the air to show hoe she had bravely bitten him on the end of the nose, this was of course all fantasy, for a start the little fae could not jump anywhere near high enough to bite an Optime wolf upon the nose, but she was enjoying telling the story, and from the mare's unbroken attention she assumed that the cream female was also enjoying it. She bounced about, escalating her tale more and more with every line, now there were seven whole pirates that she was having to fight off, when the tale had started off with only one, the little girl was happy to elaborate and add reinforcements from wherever they had come from, after all there was no-one who could say that the pirates weren't allowed to get reinforcements or suddenly multiply in number without prior warning, especially when they were fictional characters in the plot of a story that was being woven by a sixth month old pup. Besides she would eventually have these adventures, the little patchwork girl was planning on being the most famous explorer anyone had even known, she would be a brave adventurer, fighting off real pirates and baddies and saving the innocent from any troubles they would face. She would be just like her Daddy and Robin Hood from her favourite book and then these stories wouldn't just be fiction told to horses, they would be fact told to everyone, she would be known throughout the lands. Robin the Brave, that would be her.

Robin's attention was suddenly caught by a voice from behind her, she was in mid-bounce as the voice caught her. She stopped suddenly, hoping that whoever it was wouldn't tell her off for making things up, she didn't see the harm in it, she was always making things up that people enjoyed, it wasn't lying, it was telling stories, she told them for entertainment. She turned and looked up at the female that had been behind her just a moment ago, she smiled as the wave of recognition flowed over her, it wasn't grumpy Noss at least, he might have told her off for bouncing around and being noisy. But no, this was Daddy's friend, they sparred together, the little fae pulled a thoughtful face as she tried to remember her name, oh yes she knew now.
“Hello miss Anann, yes it was terrible, there were quite a lot of pirates, but it's ok, because I fought them all off.” She said with a smile, bouncing slightly again, her head tilting back to look at the enormous stallion that was standing behind the muscular female, he was a large black male, he was quite impressive in size, and very patient, just like the cream mare, standing there and simply watching the exchange between the two wolves quietly."Hello Anann's horsey! She added, before looking back at Anann, she was injured the face noticed, her nose being all pink and scraped, her legs being bandaged, they looked very sore, the little fae let out a little whimper for the sake of her Daddy's friend, she didn't like anyone to get hurt, let alone wolves that her father was friends with, after all they must be good wolves if her daddy liked them, she couldn't imagine what kind of terrible baddie would have done this to poor Anann, she would have to hunt them down and bring them to justice, that was what Robin Hood would do, he would make sure that whoever had done this would get their just desserts, that they would be punished to the letter of the law. Whoever had done this would more than deserve it after all, poor Anann had clearly been through a lot, Robin didn't like the idea that someone would hurt one of her packmates and friends.
"Oh miss Anann, you're hurt! How did this happen? Does it hurt now?" The little fae asked, looking up at the much larger female, her ears drooping slightly as she looked over the injuries, she was so sad that she had been hurt. The little fae padded towards Anann slowly, leaning up and planting a kiss on her injured nose, that was what her mummy had always done to her when she was hurt, she had kissed her scraped knee better and straight away it had felt much more healed already, she hoped that it would have the same effect for the large female.
"Did that help?" She asked, her tail beginning to wag again, albeit much more slowly than it had been.

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