Spre[a]d your [w]ings and prepare to fly

WC:1074 Apologies I am a rambler XD I love Caspa by the way, the artwork of her is gorgeous.

The little patchwork girl was rather annoyed at herself as well as the butterfly. She should have been more focused, how could she grow to be a great warrior and protector of the lands if she could not keep her focus on one small butterfly, she had been too excited at the idea of catching it, watching the grin spread across her little sister's face. It was very frustrating to have lost the purple creature with its striking wings, she had wanted to catch it so badly, although she had to admit that she did not know how on earth she would have transported it back home, she had no intention of hurting the little creature, far from it in fact, she wanted to take it home where it would have been loved and cared for by her and her sister, it would have wanted for nothing. Though, she supposed, perhaps it was for the best, having lost it, butterflies were meant to fly of course, perhaps it would not have liked being cooped up in a house, no matter how well it would have been treated. Yes, maybe it did not want to live within the confines of a house, who would after all when they had all of this wonderful space to fly about in, all this lovely scenery to view as their own as you fluttered from place to place. Perhaps the little butterfly would have been lonely and Robin had not been able to catch one butterfly, let alone two so that they could keep one another company. Knowing her sister as well she would let it out for "walks" and then the purple creature would never have come back and Robin would have had to go and catch another one for her distraught sister, she wasn't sure that she would have kept up the ruse that it was the same butterfly as the previous one that she had let out, Felicity was good at noticing small things that the little patchwork girl herself would never have noticed, no the butterfly would have had the wrong spot pattern or something, that would upset her sister more than having lost the first one, her sister pretending she had found it, just to be proven wrong. Perhaps it was indeed for the best that the little fluttering creature remained free to fly and explore the skies and the lands beneath them at it's own will, it was not fair to coop something up when it was accustomed to being allowed to go wherever it chose at a whim. No, maybe Robin would find a caterpillar or something, a bug for herself, her sister would not be as keen on it as a butterfly, but she might like the idea that eventually it might grow into one.

This thought pattern was broken by a voice from nearby. The little female blinked twice, her staring into space having made her blue eyes sting, before she looked up at the tall female who had suddenly caught her attention. It was clear from her scent that she was a member of Cour Des Miracles, just as the patchwork girl was, but the little female had never seen her before, she knew about the pack's ranking system so her scent could not be deceptive, she must have been a member of the pack. The little fae stared up at the tall female with a smile, she was no threat if she was a member of the pack after all, this was not a baddie who had suddenly sprung a trap upon her, she doubted that she would need to show this female just how brave and daring she could be by launching a counter assault. No, the little fae could trust her she was sure, her father had always said that the pack was her family, along with those who were blood related to her and her family would never hurt her, especially not this unusual fae with what seemed to be missing ears.
“You're right!” The little patchwork girl declared, smiling even more, her tail wagging a little now, "I am a Princess, but I'm going to be a hero one day, a brave protector of the people! Just you wait and see, I'm Robin Aatte by the way. It's nice to meet you Caspa." The little female said, remembering to introduce herself eventually, remembering to be polite and say hello properly, even if it was after a sudden cheerful rant, simply making declarations of her own fate to this female, this Caspa would most likely prefer to know her name before hearing her plans for the future after all.

The female suggested as well that all was not lost in the loss of the butterfly and the little girl nodded her multicoloured head, she was right after all, the butterfly's escape was no great loss, in fact it would probably be for the best in the end, the little girl would have had no idea what to do with it when she caught it, she had no clue where to even begin in taking it back to the pack lands and the last thing she would have wanted would to have been to have killed it, she would have found it very difficult to forgive herself had that happened.
"I have decided against catching butterflies now, I was going to take it home, my sister wants a pet you see; I thought she would like it. But they're too quick for me, and I don't want to hurt it." The little female explained, standing now, shaking her fluffy fur as she did so, her ears perking up properly as she raised her head to look at the pale female before her. She seemed to have something in her arms, this piqued the little patchwork girl's interest instantly, it seemed that Caspa herself had a pet, a little fluffy yellow something tucked into the crook of her arm. The little female turned her head onto one side, her blue eyes wide with curiosity; she sniffed the air surreptitiously, trying to work out what the little thing that was so well hidden was. Finally she conceded defeat, she could not work out what it was by scent alone, she would simply have to ask.
"What do you have there?" She asked curiously, turning her head onto one side slightly as she puzzled out what it could be.

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