I am not my own.

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kitty

Ouija had been living beneath the mountains for awhile now but he hadn't yet thought to really explore up within the mountains themselves. He wasn't sure why it hadn't crossed his mind to do so sooner. He couldn't even begin to speculate upon that one. Still, he had the time to do it now at least. There were no pressing issues that needed his attention. At least none that he could think of at the moment. Besides, he might be able to find some things within the mountains of which to gather. He didn't know of the plant life there since he had never bothered to explore it before.

After finally having made up his mind he headed up the tree encrusted slope that was in the area of Anathema. He kept his gaze on the ground, looking for any sort of plant life that he could use. After all he boiled them in order to keep his appearance so colorful. He figured he might find something new to try out at least. Or such had been his first thoughts until he had heard a sound further up ahead. He wasn't certain of what it was and so he went to investigate.

When he finally got to the area he had come upon a young female attempting to scale a tree. "Wouldn't that be easier with the use of both hands?" The question was posed as he approached, only having noticed an arm having been tucked behind the girl's back and not the state of her hand that wasn't being used. "Is there something that you are after?" He asked as he looked up towards the top of the tree. After all he was quite large and tall so he might be able to reach it. Or the least he could go would be to give the girl a boost up onto the higher branches at least.

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