The Other Side of the Coin
Thanks for replying Big Grin

The white coywolf took a breath before approaching him. He watched as she investigated his wound. He could not see it that well himself and could not stretch lick at it. He also hadn’t been able to shift into optime in the state he was in, so early in the day the best he could do was take a dip in the blue lake near his den. He had hoped this would have cleared it out a bit, but he couldn’t be certain.

He listened intently as she explained to him what she would be doing, holding up each item as she spoke. He was somewhat fascinated by her medical equipment, it was like none he had ever seen before, hume more than likely. Zalen assumed there must be the large ruins of a hume settlement around, that would explain all the paraphernalia he had been seeing. She also seemed to relax a bit and a chipper nature was revealed. Zalen couldn’t help but cock his ear at her slightly, had she been a wolf he would have been engaged by her attitude, but as a coywolf he could do nothing but become apathetic. Perhaps it was also the dull pain emanating from his wound that caused him to remain stoic rather than smile back at her.

She asked him if he had any questions and he slowly shook his head. She introduced herself as Gemma Rhiannon, Zalen. he replied simply with a slight nod. After a moment he decided to add, Thank you… for helping me.

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