Sayin' a {P}rayer for the Desperate Hearts

The Knight had been out on Drogon doing his usual border patrols when his mate's howl reached his ears. Haven instantly pulled back on the reins to stop the stallion and listened intently. It was not a long call, but there was an odd note to Princess' voice that instantly put him on edge. There was no hint of danger, but something clearly was not completely fine either. The last thing he wanted was for her to be in an awkward situation for too long when she wanted him, especially if she had any of the pups with her. The Aatte man quickly wheeled Drogon around and put his heels to his sides and they took off in the direction his love's call had come from. In a flash they were past the borders of the Court and his jade eyes were peeled for the first glimpse of Princess' curly mane.

The soul he first saw though was not his mate, but his little daughter Robin. She jumped excitedly when he came into her view and he hurriedly brought Drogon to a halt again—Robin was often not as careful around horses as she should be. Haven dismounted and took the reins in his hand as he knelt down to greet his daughter. "Daddy, daddy! There's a lady over there who has the same name as us!" He ran a gentle hand down Robin's back while his pupils contracted. "Is there? Well we shouldn't keep her and your mother waiting. Remember, don't walk too close to Drogon." Robin nodded her head eagerly and bounced back off towards her mother whom he could see clearly well as the dark woman before her.

The ochre man casually lead his horse up to the two women and wrapped his arm protectively around Princess' shoulders before his jade eyes locked onto their matching pair set in an ebony visage. He didn't have very many memories of this woman, had only known her briefly, but he had so little family he knew it was hard to forget a face. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a stony voice. Soran had never done anything to hurt or displease him, but too much had changed since he had last set eyes on her as a young and innocent pup for him to be happy with her sudden appearance near his home.

Haven speaks. Child speaks. Another child speaks.
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