Llama Man

OOC: Hehe this is gonna be fun.
Word Count: 400+

The weary aged male had delightfully finished a pleasant meal, the soup he made was perfect. It was his late mate's recipe and had been for the most part his only choice of food since her passing. His belly filled he was ready to proceed with the duties of his day. He grabbed the twisted walking stick leaning against his thigh. He pushed in attempt to stand from the wobbly chair but the act was treacherous. Curse you legs just stand. He leaned further upon the stick and pushed with most of his might and finally found himself standing. He breathed hard already feeling like he had completed a full days work but he still had much to do. He caught his breath after a wave of thick deep coughs and set out the door.

It took him long to reach the door but he was quickly greeted once he stepped out. Ah Ramallamadingdong my love. Thank you. The dark female llama was quick to aide the male as she was each day that he grew more weak. He settled his arm upon her back once he stroked the fur along her long neck. He commenced toward the crooked farm house where his pretties might rest for the night. He noticed a few of his herd had become unsettled, the action was very out of place. Even Rama took a slight side step to turn the male. What he saw next surprised the old male, the image so very similar to that of the day he met his mate. The young female was blatantly approaching him just as she had oh so long ago. The smile spread across his face for in his aged mind he thought is was a memory a flash of his past. It crossed his mind that maybe she is here to finally take me with her. My love... oh how I have waited for you.

Her expression snapped him into reality quickly turning the male to questions. Who are you?! How did you get past my defenses?! He had snapped his fingers twice and made a waving gesture. The herd reacted immediately, they started to flock to the barn with haste. Bo fell into a serious coughing fit from the yelling. Rama watched the new comer, not phased in the slightest by her master's fit as she had grown use to them. The sign of her defenses were barely noticeable but she would quickly defend her master with swift force if the wolf displayed any threat. When Bojangles finished the wild coughing fit that curled his body the herd was gone, safely tucked away in the barn. What is your business here? He said with less harshness. He had realized that he had not been to tend to his traps and trickery for many months. The ones on her path had probably broke or she was extremely lucky.

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