Llama Man
WC: 428
OOC: Yes ma'am! Big Grin

The young woman kept walking even when she saw the old man turn and catch sight of her. Nerves caused her to shake a bit, and she held the flag made cloak tighter around her body. The weird looking animals scattered about the unusual clearing quickly made their way towards a dilapidated building that reminded her of Broken Arrow Ranch. A small smile pulled her lips up but she was careful to not bare her teeth at the old man, not wanting to make him any wearier than he obviously was. Not until she was about ten feet away from him did she stop walking, her eyes glued to the animal he was leaning against. When he began talking, most of her confidence flew out with the wind. She wondered if he would tolerate her inability to speak and understand correctly.

A soft whine left her throat as she crouched a little and bowed her head, showing her submission and understanding that she was on his property, intruding. When she stood again, the girl kept her ears flattened and her eyes cast down to the ground. She was so nervous about speaking to the man that her words caught in her throat and she had to cough a few times as well. It was a pathetic coughing fit compared to the man’s, but she had to get a good enough breath in to be able to tell him her name. The thinned out air up in the mountains was not helping her case one bit.

After she had relaxed from sputtering and had caught her breath, she straightened up again and licked her muzzle, seeming to squirm a little. “M-my name…um…is Tawny.” When the words came out mostly clear and not stuttered, a smile broke through and she grinned at him, blue eyes wide and innocent. It was obvious that the woman was sweet and wouldn’t hurt him or his pets at all. She was not a cruel female, like some grew to be, and her past made her know how much abuse hurt, and vow to never do that to another living being. Stepping a little bit closer, she reached one hand out slowly towards the large animal, hoping that it wouldn’t bite her. Flicking her eyes towards the man, she smiled again and sighed softly. “Your…and its…n-name?” She pointed towards the llama and tilted her head, full of itching curiosity.

The girl wanted to learn and explore more than anything, and now that the exploring part was accomplished, she was ready to soak up some knowledge!

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