You'll find enchantment here.

Silvano could hear her humming, singing, and cooking all the way from his room. But it was not hard to know what she was up to, especially when he had gone down into the library to pick out some books to take with them on the picnic. It had been rather nerve wracking, just to try and find a book that would please the young woman. His last had made her cry in sadness over the original fairy tales of the old humans. He had a difficult, difficult time trying to find a good book, especially one that fit his criteria. No sadness, no death, nothing of the like. It had to be bright, and bubbly; just like her. He found his stories, but they were not all entirely happy. But Silvano was positive that Giselle would not mind. On top of which, he had taken the time to go to Halifax, and find the shop he had broken into. All to find her a gift.

He spent the better part of the day sitting in his room, just listening to Giselle singing downstairs, in the kitchen. Most of that time, the young man smiled absentmindedly as he wrote the note in a solid hand, and then placed it over the gift. That he wrapped in a colorful, thick, cloth as a sort of wrapping. Humans used paper, but that was far too precious just to use on this. How humans ever wasted so much of it on something so silly, the young man would never know. So, instead, he just tucked it away, behind his books so that Giselle wouldn't see it.

Silvano was nervous. This picnic had been entirely her idea, when he had come to apologize late at night. He could hardly say no, after coming to say his sorries for a stolen kiss. If it was something that would return their relationship to normal, to what it was before the night in the library, he would do it. But the moment the Sadira finished wrapping her gift, putting it away, and then taking it out again to stack the other books on top of it, he did not know what to do. He stood there, changing the order of the three books. Nothing worked, even as he eyed the stack only to change it up a moment later. It had to look perfectly normal, so that Giselle wouldn't pay any attention to the wrapped one. Hopefully she wouldn't, and just regard it as something he brought along.

He slipped out of his room and into his parents' room. His mother had an old mirror, but it was clean and clear. In his hand, the young man held the only comb he owned, and fumbled with his hair. It was a messy flop of hair, and he tried his best to make it look alright. But the ringlets Silvano's locks always twisted into refused to be tamed. All he had managed to do was get out the knots and shine them up. He furrowed his brows, green eyes staring in dismay at his hair. Whose genes gave him such an unruly brown mop? Growling at his own reflection,Silvano skulked out of the room. The mirror received a disgusted glare from the mottled male. In his room, the young man tossed down his comb on his small table and shut the door behind him with an almost angry slam.

Time slipped by, and the sun crept higher toward noon, and Silvano still heard noise downstairs. Stretching his long body on the bed, he crossed his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling. He knew what he expected of the picnic, but half of it made his face heat up as he thought of it. Imagining it only made the heat hotter. Finally, sick of his mind, the young man curled into ball and shifted to his side. The smooth wall reflected his fur's colors, white as it was. One day, he would beg Mati's help to paint his bedroom wall. She was so good at her work and his room was still so bare with only a chair, table, bookshelf, and his bed. Emerald eyes turned to a sliver as his lids closed, mind fighting to imagine the less than appropriate.

A knock on his door roused him from his half-sleep, and he groggily rose, glad the ceiling was high enough to accommodate his height. Giselle was at the door. The petite young woman was grinning at him and he couldn't help but fiddle with his hair. With a quick scoop, he took the three books into the crook of his arm and smiled at her. "Yes, let's get going," he said simply, wishing to take her hand but figured it was more than he could handle."You look.. really pretty, by the way..," he managed to fumble out, awkward as he was. It was hard to admit that Silvano paid attention to how the young woman looked. It was embarrassing, especially since she had been rather dismissive of his kiss in the library. It was just an innocent compliment that meant nothing but what it had sounded like. She was very pretty. How could he ignore it?

Giselle led them away, skipping along as she always did. Silvano found himself watching her figure more and more, and when he realized it, he flushed hot and focused on the trees ahead of him. It was hard to ignore the fact that Giselle was pretty and he was male after all. It was hard to ignore. But he bit pack his frustration and embarrassment. "Where are we going?" he asked, sporting a goofy grin to boot. "You aren't lost, are you?"Oh the trees, how... green they were. Even so, Silvano found his eyes wandering to look at Giselle bobbing beside him. All the while, he clutched at the three books he had brought, glad that she never asked about the covered one. Even so, he worried about drawing attention to it too early.

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