How loud are the drums of war

+5. I have zero angry/sad tables, and this is my darkest in color XD. Pixie will post first, and then anyone else is welcome! They have come from CD in the middle of the night to ask for help or support of any kind for the raid that is going on. They're right along the borders, backdated to the night of the 11th.
This thread shouldn't take very long.. so I'd like to ask for no more than 2 CdM members to join in this thread, please!

Time was slowly beginning to lose all its meaning. It was running out... they're wasn't enough of it. And each fleeting moment could have been someone's last.

Giselle's long hair flew behind her as the horse she rode on galloped into the deep forests and open plains. Her arms were wrapped around the horse's owner, Pixie, whom she had only met that very night. And yet, to the dark haired woman it felt like forever, as she kept her face pressed against her back; not only holding on for dear life, but a part of her believed that if she let go, another Dreamer would be lost. The raid had sprung up on all of them, and startled Giselle awake from where she lay on her desk, book beside her. She heard crashes and movement, and howls of warning. It broke her heart to hear of the terrible news. There would be war.

The young woman hated war - though she had only read about it. This was real, and it was unlike anything she could have imagined. In the middle of the night they came, AniWayans they were called, like the pair that had arrived seeking sanctuary from said place. Now it seemed the savages wanted to take the small family back, and by force. It surprised many of her packmates that the event ever happened, and Giselle thought they were a lovely family from what the damsel could gather. Why did they want them back so badly? Had they done something wrong? Why did they have to come into their home, and hurt several Dreamers to get to them?

None of it made sense to the ivory girl, and for several reasons the sting of tears dampened her eyes, but the biting wind and the chilly evening drove them away. She was no fighter, and for that reason she searched desperately for someone to go with her to seek help. With only hope to cling to, Giselle dressed in her blue gown and grabbed Tux and only a few spare things, and they rode off to find their glimmer of hope, to the north. A part of her heart longed to be back, though, wishing she could help her packmates which she grew to love each day. But she was no fighter, and did the only thing a damsel in distress could.

Giselle could feel her heartbeat in her own throat, and the cold bit into her fur as the horse trotted on. The moon was high, and enchanting, but on a night like this it only felt like an eye of the gods watching down, unable to do anything but provide a single beam of light into the darkness. 'Elle wished daylight would come sooner, as if a new day would make this entire thing disappear. She hardly felt the horse slow its pace, where its owner knew the location of the neighboring pack, Cour des Miracles.

As Magic came to a full stop, snorting heavily from the exertion, Giselle loosened her grip on the woman in front of her. Lifting her face and body up, she straightened up and wiped her cheeks with the back of her palm. "I-is this the place?" She asked with a shaky voice, swinging her legs around to dismount. She slid off of the horse's back, though with some trouble, and she stumbled forward upon hitting the earth. Wide, frightened eyes looked around for any signs of life, but all Giselle could hear were the creepy sounds of predators in the night. Lifting her muzzle into the air, she poured her grief and her heart out in a long howl, hoping someone - anyone - would answer their plea.

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Table by Gen!


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