Llama Man
The large animal didn't seem to mind her drawing closer and was watching her with a seemingly calm and docile expression. Just before the young woman's hand was to rest of the creature's nose, the old man's hand was pressed up against her chest. Tawny clenched her teeth together and flinched back a little bit, moving away from his direct reach. She figured that he was old enough to garner some respect, unlike the sweet young man, Range, when he had started touching her all over without warning. The girl couldn't bring herself to snap at the scraggily old guy like she had the pup, it just didn't seem right at all.

She sighed softly and smiled when he invited her into his home for something to eat. Her eyes were drawn to the way his body had to lean against the big animal for support as he walked shakily, also using the cane to help himself along. Sorrow filled her heart as she thought about the time he may have left, and how it must not be very much. A soft whimper slipped from her throat before she realized that she was about to cry. Sucking in a sharp breath, she shook her head and stepped up into the house, brushing her fingers over the door frame gently.

The inside of the little falling down shack was surprisingly warm and it smelled so delicious. She smiled at the sight of a large pot sitting over the smallish fire, filled with steaming stew. Her mouth began to water and she placed a small hand on the old man's shoulder, "I get the s-soups?" Her smile was soft and innocent, blue eyes wide and willing to help. Her other hand pointed towards a rickety looking chair near the fire. "You...sit, please?" Her smile only grew when he rolled his eyes and complied, lowering himself slowly into the chair and sighing with relief. Tawny pushed her backpack off her shoulders and set it near the door, then took her flag-made-cloak off and folded it on top of the pack.

She spotted some bowls and a ladle, going over to the big pot and scooping some of the soup into both of them. When he asked about animals, she shrugged a little and handed him his bowl. After taking a few sips of the delicious hot broth, she licked her 'lips' and looked up at him. "Animals are good...j-just no h-hors-ses!" It was obvious from the slightly annoyed look in her eyes that she wasn't on good terms with the large beasts, but would be okay with the llamas...probably.

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