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IC: She poked her head out and saw the blood all over him and gave a frown. ”Are you sure you’re OK?” Her tone was incredulous. But Buck nipping at Leon took her attention. She shook her head in amusement at the stallion’s antics. ”He’s the reason that we met, remember?” Though the circumstances weren’t exactly the best but they were memories nonetheless.

She saw Faith greet her and she gave the mare a nose rub before she went back to work. ”You’re making my job harder, silly horse.” She wasn’t angry at the horse and gave her a kiss on the top of her nose bridge. She then went back to work of mucking out the stall. She was getting close to being done. Though, she still had a few left.

Ayasha started to hum a song that her mother would sing to her and her siblings. She found that it helped the work go faster when she sang or hummed. After she hummed the lullaby, she went to mindlessly humming. The last stall she got to was Inez, her colt. Well, he was more a stallion than a colt. ”In a few months, Inez and I’ll be able to ride you. How does that sound?” She asked as she worked on his stall. He seemed to like that idea and Ayasha chuckled.

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