Trading alliances.
OOC: sorry I had to duck out so early I was camping and now i'm going back to school won't have much time to update.
The mans answer interested her, she had wanted to do some trading for some time now. Too bad she had nothing to trade, she would have to collect items.

"I have no way of trading with you at this point, I must go now." Fara quickly ducked out of the area wondering what the man thought of her. She left him without even giving him a word, the small she-wolf went of to look at the den area. she had only just realized she hadn't picked one out yet. Thats when it would start to feel like home, lately she'd been feeling so terribly alone.

Why did she always have to push people away, she built a wall around herself and never let anyone in who she had the slightest doubt about.

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