... just walk away.
By me:

OOC here? / +000

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien. Duis commodo justo sit amet nisl varius tempor. Morbi condimentum leo ut ante rhoncus accumsan. Suspendisse ac ullamcorper turpis. Duis ornare consequat eleifend. Quisque euismod facilisis sapien,

Eget sagittis nunc auctor id. Aenean enim risus, accumsan et imperdiet id, vulputate in ante. Nunc mattis imperdiet sagittis. Pellentesque et vestibulum enim. Morbi semper, nunc eget laoreet congue, purus nisl aliquet purus, eget rhoncus ante nibh in augue.

In tristique orci ut tellus mattis at condimentum odio laoreet. In sit amet metus odio. Vestibulum enim felis, blandit hendrerit faucibus in, consectetur molestie urna. Vestibulum purus turpis, porttitor eget bibendum vitae, ultricies nec eros. Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Duis molestie nisi vel eros sodales sed tincidunt ipsum bibendum. Curabitur tristique rutrum ornare. Nullam dignissim tortor eu erat commodo semper. Cras dapibus, dui ac feugiat varius, magna sapien condimentum quam, in hendrerit mauris lectus non lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu. Duis quis lectus sed mi venenatis sodales.

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OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu. Duis quis lectus sed mi venenatis sodales.

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OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu. Duis quis lectus sed mi venenatis sodales.

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OOC stuffs / +514!

Cleaning the fort up was going to take a long while, but Dixie and Wayne were fully ready to take on that challenge. They weren’t sure yet if Rurik was going to stay and help as well, so the pair decided to get to work without him. While Wayne went to start with the main barn, saying he wanted to clear the space for all the horses just in case another storm hit, Dixie struggled to break open the front door of the court house. The large doors were locked, obviously, and there were huge vines climbing up the sides, holding them closed. After tugging and trying to rips the vines up, she growled and dropped herself into Secui form. Even in her halfling form she was small enough to look like a small lupus wolf, but her muscles were thicker and her nails and teeth were sharper.

Taking a deep breath, she got to work on the hallway, grabbing the smaller things scattered around on the ground first and tossing it outside on the cobblestone walk area. Things that she knew were called ‘telephones’ and some other machines, but didn’t know what they were used for. They were all broken, so she just threw them around, knowing that the canines would have no use for them. The desks, chairs and odd stool, on the other hand, were turned upright and pushed against a wall. Those were things that could and probably be used for something or other. The job was tedious and repetitive, but she was good at it and tuned everything else out…just worked and worked hard.

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OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

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Dixie is really pissed... o.o / +5!

Dixie had been curled up against Wayne’s warm body, sleeping soundly, when the loud cries rang out through the Fort. Her pale eyes snapped open and she looked up at Wayne, confused and slightly fearful. What was happening? Before she could ask, Wayne was running from the room, urgency clear in each step. Growling with impatience, the small woman jumped up and grabbed a long rope and her newest weapons, pulling the quiver over her neck and shoulder as she ran up the stairs. The long length of rope rested on one arm, a lasso tied and ready at the end. It was clear what was going on by the time she reached the front doors of the courthouse, and a genuinely pissed of snarl crossed her usually sweet face.

The moment he hit the ground, Dixie slid from Vito’s back and ran over, slamming her little fists into his head and neck, totally disregarding the stamping horses and other pack mates. This one had hurt her man and possibly one of her horses; he was going to pay dearly. The hard fall had stunned the huge male, but her little punches weren’t doing much. Sure he was getting bruised and cut up, but she wasn’t physically strong enough to cause that much damage with her body. Grinning as he shook his head a bit, the man reached up and slammed his hand across Dixie’s face, effectively tossing her at least three feet in the air and off to the side where she landed in a heap of dirty fur and splatters of their conjoined blood.

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