Reality lacks seamonsters

OoC: So is mine, so it's all good^^ Do you want them to get into a fight?

The nice thing about stories, Finch thought, was that you could always understand the characters. That was part of a storyteller’s job: to build characters that were real, believable, relatable. Finch could always actually understand characters in stories: they worked. Real people, though, like the wolf he now faced, did not work, they just didn’t make sense. Adelaida was the perfect example.

Finch could tell she was upset. Her bristling fur was enough of a clue for even Finch to latch onto– some body language was clearer than others, and angry was one emotion Finch could usually pick up on. Given enough time and clues, of course. What puzzled him, however, was why she was upset. Except for the outburst of curiosity that had resulted in what Finch suspected had been a rather rude question, he couldn’t imagine how anything he had said could have caused offense. As far as Finch could tell, the wolf was offended for no reason at all.

Perhaps she was just always unhappy? But how could anyone go through life that way? What was the point of being upset with the world, or him? As far as Finch could tell, it didn’t make a difference and certainly didn’t make life any brighter. You might as well just sit back and enjoy life. Finch just couldn’t understand it. He also couldn’t understand why she kept calling him ‘Coyote’ rather than Kirin or Finch or even Kassarian, though, so maybe she was just one big puzzle… just like everyone else who existed outside of mere words.

“If I’ve done anything rude,” Finch said curiously, sounding genuinely interested, “I apologize. Did I do anything rude?” With a flick of one tawny ear, Finch pivoted around again with all four paws nearly touching, as if he was the first quadruped ballerina, and leaped back up onto his seamonster-watching rock. He grinned back over his shoulder at Adelaida, one ear cocked slightly forward– a position which, combined with the single dark patch around his right eye, gave his whole face a distinctly lopsided look. His tail gave a minute twitch, the faint shadow of a wag. “Do you like stories?” he inquired hopefully.


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