Heaven ain't close in a place like this

OOC here! Table by Sie; Image from Flickr

Now she wanted to talk, but Wretch had been quick to set the bridge afire, and by breaking his heart he was fuelling it with young, unstable rage. This was proof that this wasn’t his sister – not really; for any sibling of his would have sensed the approaching danger. Pandemic was normally a kind soul, but grey eyes risked blindness when he suffered from holocausts from within. She had abandoned them all forever, and she had looked him in the eye and told him to leave her alone. Claws sank into sweet soil and muscles tensed—wanted to explode into violence and tragedy. The white Goddess couldn’t devour this Tak, and the silvery sibling of dusk and dawn was his ally, not hers.

He wanted to hurt his sibling with his rage. Similar episodes existed in the past, but they had all been younger then, and they were well on their way into adulthood. His strength could be lethal, now. Wretch’s words collided together and become incoherent babble in his ears. He didn’t wish to hear anything more; she had already said what mattered, and he couldn’t forgive--wouldn’t forgive! A ripe snarl whistled past jagged lines of white, and the air shook with the dark rumble within the depths of his throat.

He wished to leap at her, but forced his larger form to turn and leave her instead. Internal fire seemed to have given him wings, for it seemed he was gone in a flash. Or perhaps consciousness couldn’t handle more than moderate doses of such anger he had experienced.

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