Llama Man

Word Count: 300+

Seems they have taken a great liking to you. Daisy there is a sweety pie, very loving. Surprising that Lala has approached you she is usually shy. Jack there is Puppy's buddy they get into some mischief together all the time. He smiled, Rama turned him toward the barn knowing it was time for their watering. Whoa girl. She's thirsty come I'll show you what I do for them. He wondered how long it would be before the female caught on to his plan. He knew they couldn't all go, it was difficult even for him to deal with a herd as big as this. Though he hoped he could convince the girl to take atleast a few.

Llamas are quite simple to care for, they don't eat as much as horses or cattle and most of what they need comes from the grass. Occasionally I leave a salt lick for them but they get addicted to it so I have to take it away and hide it. He chuckled softly. I found this cabin and barn already built, its been a rough road trying to upkeep but I have managed. Unfortunately being the old fart that I am I have neglected them both for a while as you have probably noticed. But the greatest feature to this place is this. He stopped by a spout that was in the ground. From what I can tell there is a glacier stream somewhere below us as the water is delightful. He struggled to pump the water into the wooden trough. Would you mind?

The barn how ever hasn't really been necessary, they prefer the outdoors its more for protection when strangers come and carries all the necessary tools. Llamas are quite clean so you don't need a whole lot. The best way to describe them is that they are a lot like sheep... only they don't need to be trimmed. But as you probably noticed their hair is quite delightful and would make great clothing. My mate use to make hats... she adored hats. He looked at Tawny. Forgive me I am getting away with myself, get me started on Llamas I could talk all day.

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