CdA Pack NPC Contest - VOTING
The Voting Commences!
How Will This Work?

Simple - look at the list of options below and vote for three of them, listing your favorite first and your third favorite third. For example, if I were voting, the post would look like this:


Which says that I liked the first submission the best, the second one next best, and the fourth one third best. If you're still confused, simply PM me and I'll make sure to explain it more thoroughly for those of you that are confused!


Here are the submissions for the contest! All of the submissions are nameless as to prevent bias. Smile No voting for yourself, please! NOTE: Some of you got confused when I mentioned the 'rank' they would hold - this is supposed to be an actual rank, and some of you made up ranks! I fit the character with the rank they seemed best in; if you'd like it changed, please PM me.

  1. Pack NPC Name: Marisol d'Artagnan

    Function: Tending to the garden to keep it clear of pests and assure that the plants are growing well, as well as helping with the livestock.

    Rank: Pastore

    Personality: A very upbeat and friendly woman. Marisol has a natural way with animals and plants that hasn't diminished her sociability with other members of the pack. When not with other people, she talks to the plants and animals like they're alive. She has a tendency to be a bit ditzy, and speaks with a French accent.

    Appearance: A wolf-dog hybrid from southern France, Marisol is slender and curvaceous. Her fur is made up of greys, browns and blacks and follow the traditional patterns of wolves, with a slightly lighter underside and darker back. The whole of her coat is longer than is normal for wolves, feathered primarily at the backs of her limbs and tail. Her eyes are gold. She wears a simple, flowing dress and her hair in a messy pile atop her head.

  2. Pack NPC Name: Rorrg

    Function: Stableboy

    Rank: Bestiame Domatore

    Personality: Rorrg is fairly quiet and keeps to himself, and displays some signs of autism. The only ones he really talks to are the horses, believing he can communicate with them on a deeper level. For reasons unknown, he refers to himself in the third person, and may be seen as mentally ill. His intentions are good and he is kind of heart, and though curious at times when others have their backs turned on him, he sticks to his duty of maintaining the stables and looking after the horses.

    Appearance: Due to a natural birth defect, Rorrg was born missing a part of his brain in the upper right half of his head, and therefore that part of his face is deformed. His brow and eye on that side are sunken in, but he is still able to see out of it but not as well as his good eye. The defect has impaired slight movement and brain functioning, and so he walks with a limp and has the grammar of a 4-month old, but almost always has a smile on his face. His fur is a pale silver with white undertones, and he has amber colored eyes.

  3. Pack NPC Name: Karoel Smett

    Function: Stablehand / Pastore Trainer

    Rank: Bestiame Domatore

    Personality: Odd, friendly, quiet, shy. Karoel has the classic teenager dorkiness about him, but for some reason it comes off as cute and shy. He's self concious and a bit naive, but an excellent teacher and an even better shoulder to cry on. He's taken to actually living in the stables, sleeping in the hay storage even in the winter. This only adds to the fact that he's a bit odd when you first meet him, often much more interested in the animals he cares for than the people he lives near. He's uncomfortable around children, figgity around women and quiet or awkward around men, but he tries to make the best of every situation.

    Appearance: A german shepherd ortus, about a year old. He's got the dark face and saddle classic to any german shepherd, with the big ears (a touch floppy due to his age) and strong cheeks and everything, straight down to the sweeped tail. He stands about 5'9" right now but he'll grow eventually to be 6'3". He's lanky and a bit big in the paws, no matter which form he's in, but it suites him, especially for his age. His hair is a dark brown, almost black, and shags around his face messily, though it's a natural mess and not unclean. He's got hazel-brown eyes and a crooked grin that could melt any heart.

  4. Pack NPC Name: Ginevra Raok

    Function: pends most of her time in the stables, caring for the animals.

    Rank: Bestiame Domatore

    Personality: She seems shy at first, but once you get to kow her she'll gladly talk all day. She loves a good laugh and loves the animals to death.

    Appearance: She is a tannish-yellow color and has blue eyes.

  5. Pack NPC Name: Draw d'Merchant

    Function: Draw's primary task is to spend time away from the pack, trading with NPC packs off board to bring in more exotic things, or things D'Arte does not yet have, for personal use of to trade to other packs. He has his own wagon for his journeys.

    Rank: Mercante

    Personality: Draw, when he is in pack lands at least, will always meet a passer by with a smile. Being a trader by nature he is always friendly by default and is willing to look for things for individuals if asked.

    Appearance: A Draw has typical grey wolf, a fresh cream base topped with dustings of various shades of grey. Around his eyes and ears are patches of tan. His eyes burn a deep amber colour.

  6. Pack NPC Name: Fabio

    Function: Masseuse (massage man)

    Rank: Artisto

    Personality: He's a very likable man, especially to the ladies, and makes sure the pack is limber and happy.

    Appearance: Very light cream colored man, with bulging muscles and slightly darker creamy colored hair that falls in waves.

  7. Pack NPC Name: SKIP

  8. Pack NPC Name: Auntie Rosie (Rosella Goliath)

    Function: She's the pack's much loved pupsitter, a second mother to the pups she takes care of.

    Rank: Esecutore

    Personality: Rosella, or Rosie as she insists with a smile, is a sweet matronly female. Ever patient and handy with a smile or a song, she adores the pups that she provides care for. If pressed, she'll admit that she couldn't have pups of her own, but she won't explain why. She won't speak about her past, but always focuses on the present and the future. She loves to talk, and calls everyone dear.

    Appearance: Rosie is tall and slender. She has a creamy underbelly, while her back is a soft tan with darker spots splashed across the tan like a leopard's rosettes. Her face is the soft tan color, the cream of her underbelly dominating her throat and chin. Her eyes are a gentle aqua color, and radiate kindness to whomever looks at her. She doesn't wear clothes, and the only piece of jewelry she wears is a tarnished silver chain with an enameled red rose hanging from it.

  9. Pack NPC Name: Vernie Hennamin

    Function: Raising as many cats as wolfishly possible. Embroider, knit, sew, and rock (in her chair). Oh... and gives cryptic oracle-like advice that might come in handy, but probably not.

    Rank: Fabbricante

    Personality: Most of the time Esther isn't listening unless you're saying “meow.” She has a tenancy to stare with strange, unfocused eyes and rarely acknowledges anything people say to her. No one really knows how or when she arrived in Cercatori d'Arte, they just know that she came with a million cats in tow and took up residence in an old fabric and crafts shop in Thornbury. She seemed harmless enough so the pack decided to let her stay. Now she spends most of her time sitting on the porch dripping with kitties, saying little to those who approach her; so little that the pack probably wouldn't even know her name if she hadn't embroidered it onto a million scraps of fabric around the shop. No one can buy anything from her, but they can take her wares as needed, so long as they don't mess with the cats. If you tell her about a predicament you just might get some bizarre response – like, “the cake is a lie.” - that can only be deciphered during a rare moment of clarity, but it just might be the answer to all of your problems

    Appearance: The only thing that surpasses the amount of cats Esther has is her age. She is about two days older than dirt and looks the part. Her back is hunched, her head wobbles, and no one even has a guess as to what color her fur once was since it has now all gone gray. She is so little and bent that it is hard to tell if she is a small wolf or a hybrid. Her once blue eyes have gone milky with cataracts, but that doesn't seem to stop her from sewing all day. She is usually wearing gaudy, mismatched colors and clothes that smell of mothballs and grandparents.


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