I'd like to buy a vowel.
OOC: Yes, he's in Optime.

IC: Saorise peered down at the cat from Rory’s arms, wanting down to play with the kitty. ”Unca, want kitty!” Rory wasn’t sure if she wanted that particular cat or just one in general or both. ”No’ now, me wee one. We hafta have permission ta play with ‘er kitten. Alright?” She nodded but pouted at up at him.

His grin grew big. ”’Ello Mya an’ Rose. ‘Tis a pleasure ta meet ye both.” Rory nodded as she explained Rose still had to talk. ”Seems like this wee one. She’s been talkin’ less than a month. Though she is doin’ fine, aren’t ye, lass?” This last comment was made to his niece, who understood that he was praising her and was immensely proud of herself.

Saorise giggled as Rose sniffed her ankles. ”Play wi’ kitty?” She asked both adults. He looked at the three of them. ”Is it alright fer ‘er ta play with Rose, ma’am?” But he smiled at the cat finally speaking. Saorise was starting to get wiggly in his arms. ”Calm down, ye little imp.” But he said it gently and with a large amount of amusement. ”We should wait a tad, right?” She gave him another pout but nodded.

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