Ferreting around
OOC: Rory to the rescue!

IC: Rory was feeding Saorise with some goat’s milk and she was grinning at him. She was getting close to being weaned off of milk. She was already starting to eat regurgitated meat. When he thought it was rather gross but did it to help his niece. She finished with her milk and he still had some left. ”Ye are startin’ ta nae eat as much milk, lass.” But it was expected with her age. His ears perked up at the sound of a howl, someone asking for some milk to help a baby ferret.

He picked up the milk and headed out, carrying Saorise with him. She was starting to fall asleep and tended to like to be walked to sleep. So he headed to the place of the howl. ”’Ello? I ‘ave some milk fer yer ferret. Me neice has some goat’s milk left if ye want some.” He offered after knocking on the door.

Saorise stirred at the sound of his voice but settled back down, giving a snort in her sleep. He gave a grin as he watched her. She was really starting to get big. ”Yer getting’ ta be a big girl, aren’t ye?” He gave her a kiss on the head.

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