lick it up baby, lick it up
Without her permission the young Corvus’ body jumped the gun so to speak in responding to the Orion’s offensive opening. Mildly tarnished claws clasped for the edge of the bowl openly while her brow set about collecting a few defining wrinkles of derision. Totally loosing her place in that instant, Toulouse could almost swear that as she drew in the latrines air for a breath she could smell the rotten stew of a bar that she had frequented in the past. But of course she wasn’t there and henceforth settling things under the establishment’s guidelines wouldn’t be all to befitting for the scene. If Deuce did indeed think that she was special for having some sort of a tormented past though, she had another thing coming. Since likewise Tully had a story of her own and to date she was finding it oh so very hard to abandon her former less than savory role.

Allowing the musk of the saloon to slowly bleed away from her system, it was with a bit more effort that the subordinate forced her quick set angst to take a hike with the imagined stench. Folding her ears neatly against her head the she-wolf even went so far as to soften her eyes and coax her claws out of the death clench that they had fastened on the basin.

Well how kind of you to do so miss…, stringing her reserves of fortitude together in order to conjure up a smile the wolf even set her tail into a convincing wag as she went on, I mean it really does do my heart swell to know that you care and all but…. Once again Tully’s sentence lacked a proper ending as she took out her time to unbraid her arms, come to a stance, and remove herself from the tub.

Reaching for the mauve garment that she had previously disregarded on the floor the girl swiftly brought it to her hand before draping it over one shoulder. You’d still do good to knock you know as a way of showing respect to your fellow roommates. She hadn’t been in town long enough to know which wolves to tango with and which ones required a girl to simply tuck her tail and run with her pride but it was because of this lack of knowledge that Toulouse forced herself to stand tall. After all if she was going to be here for any spell of time no matter how short, there was no way that her pride was about to let her carry it out at the bottom of the barrel. She had to make a name for herself after all. She had to make sure that before anyone got it in their heads that she was an ‘easy target’, they understood that she most definitely wasn’t one to be messed with. Name’s Toulouse Avris by the way, but feel free to call me Tully all my fans do. Flashing the white woman her teeth once again Tully extended her chocolate arm to the lip of the sink. Something told her that today if nothing else were to transpire she would learn what exactly her boundaries were with the nameless white woman.

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