New Beginning... True Belonging.

OOC - Tongue

Word Count → 291

Mya had caught the little moment pass between the male and her, so she’d smiled happily back and it sent invisible shivers down her spine. Then he laughed, and she immediately understood the laugh. She understood it wasn’t to mock her, but simply his mother obviously didn’t write. His explanation came and then he paused to ask the question that settled into silence between them for a moment.

First of all, Mya was pretty jealous. The she-wolf knew she’d already filled him in on her life and maybe it was just him not wanting to, uh, rub it in that he had a marvelous family by the sound of it. Then the fact that his mother didn’t even live here was something that made her stop and think twice before feeling envy. He messed with his piercings. Oh yeah... I should respond. Her mind started booting up to reply like some old machinery way to out of date and slow.

“I mean, if it’s weird we can talk of something else. Er...” She needed something else to say, her little wheels turning in her brain. She looked around with her blue eyes for a conversation idea. “This is a pretty nice house, I don’t really have a place yet. I’ve just been migrating through the empty houses in search of one that I like. Though I’m not good at thinking on it at all.” Maybe a house was a good subject, she wasn’t really sure. The kitten seemed to try to burrow into her stomach with a big huge purr still going for it. It’s mews softly in the background of their conversation seeming so perfect she had no problem with it. Perhaps she was meant to have a kitten.

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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