I'd like to buy a vowel.

OOC - Mya’s such a bad flirt...

Word Count → 244 before I added like a sentence... lol.

Mya was a flirt. And so, as the irish lad cast her that flirty but serious side of his personality, she flipped on the switch and smiled. Such a flirty smile, as always, she rose up while replying to Rory, “Mmm, I’m sure there’s another some where. I found her in a stall at the stables.” He asked her of her mate. Well there was Tal... There is no Tal! He likes, possibly loves, Sky... NOT YOU!

“Well, as it turns out, I’m single. Though I’m open to changing the title.” The she-wolf tilted her head, her eyes hinting so much that it might of drawn the male in further. He turned his head down, her blue eyes following his gaze to the playing pair. Rose hopped to the side, just as the pup landed from her pounce and cuffed the pup gently on the ears. “Wose tag!” spoke the feline in third person. Her tail was wagging back in forth at the same pace as Saorise’s.

The female turned her gaze back on Rory as she felt eyes on her’s. “As it so happens, I’m from all around. Grew up as a loner, and joined the first pack I met.” Her tail wagged a bit more as she added, “I always heard irish guys were cute. It’s good to know it’s just not a rumor.” With the corny line she winked and kept up her flirty smile in place, awaiting the response from the handsome male.

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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