lick it up baby, lick it up
((Your posts rock! Sorry mine bite. LOL Please forgive Deuce, she's just...well, she's just plain bitchy lately.))

Well how kind of you to do so miss… I mean it really does do my heart swell to know that you care and all but… Deuce snorted. Name's Deuce. And I don't care, actually. She was, at least, bluntly forthright. She was rather patrician in bearing, Deuce was, as if she fancied herself to be a noblewoman of olde. But you have joined my pack, and will be interacting with my pups and mate. Yes, she deliberately left out that he was her ex-mate. She left out that she wasn't permitted to see her pups anymore. She went ahead and left it all out, except what this woman needed to know.

She didn't miss the extension of claws, nor the subsequent withdrawl. Her only reaction was to allow her own claws to unsheath in responce. Once the woman stood, Deuce straightened from her insolent slouchin the door way, sheathing her claws. In Deuce's mind the smiles were only civilized snarls; they didn't fool her one bit. Here was a woman with a temper to match her own irish temper. It had slowly been bred out of her over the generations, but her ancestors were still irish. Under certain situations, her voice still dripped with the sweet lyrics of the Irish lullaby.

Her expression didn't change as she studied the woman, sizing her up as she was sure she herself was being sized. It didn't matter. Whether they tangoed or not didn't matter. Deuce had no problem fighting. She'd won her fair share, she'd lost her fair share. It was all the same to her.

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