First Kill
blagh, fail

She was surprised at first as Tawny bared her teeth and growled, backpedaling slightly but without any sufficient time to react. She didn't know what she could have done to set her off with the defensive actions. She was crashed into by the smaller female and rolled over all the 360 degrees, somewhere within the supposed attack the sense that it was in play and not anger leaked through and the hybrid allowed her mouth to drop open in a doggie smile and let her tongue hang out. She barked several times at Tawny, a trait from her dog heritage, the sound deep and booming despite her small size and being a female, the bloodhound in her mix of genes showing through.

Her tail wagged as her neck was nuzzled into and Jace licked Tawny's face, snuffling into her fur as the brown woman grew into her optime form. Jace could sense the spike in fear coming from Tawny as she completed her shift and growled mentally, angry at the mother who would punish her own pup for something beyond her control. She pulled her head back and looked Tawny in the eyes, letting her see nothing but approval and pride for her shifting, undoing the damage that had been instilled into her was a tough road but they were traveling down it together, Jace would help Tawny for as long as she needed it.

She smiled and nodded at Tawny's question,

"Yes Jace is hungry but I don't think I could eat it all." She laughed, the corners of her eyes crinkling up, in her late life Jace would develop various laugh lines on her face and age began to set in.

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