Brothers for the last time
lol finally!

He eyed his brother warily, he disliked this side of J'adore that he was seeing, fearing that his brother may be getting too big for his boots, as a younger but larger sibling he felt it was his place to knock J'adore back down to size. Mizu did not need an arrogant man for a mate, the poor woman had been through too much already. There was the slightest of pride that swelled up when his brother visibly rejected using his knives against Leon, blood should never raise a lethal weapon to blood unless absolutely necessary. Sticks worked just as well as a weapon, even more so because they had a tendency to snap under blows with strength unchecked.

He stretched out a hand for his stick, his large palm wrapping around it, feeling its roughness and twirled it around, throwing out a few practice shots to an invisible opponent, getting the feel of it while J'adore explained the rules. He nodded to show that he understood. He stepped backwards as J did to give them the space to move, and widened his stance to lower his center of gravity, knowing his brother would try to use his height against him. His white eyes tracked J'adore as he moved closer with quick speed, he however did not move until the absolutely last second and actually moved a fraction too late. Jerking his large body to the side, the strike aimed at his chest instead his hit shoulder, creating a tail of pain and causing him to wince. The arm holding his own stick came up aiming to strike against J'adore's exposed back.

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