The Other Side of the Coin
once again, sorry for the wait =/

Sky blue eyes watched somewhat nervously to see if he had any questions before blowing out a breath and reaching up to tie her long curly hair back using her bracelet as a hair tie, it kept all of the hair back apart from one strand that lay along the side of her face, it wasn't in her way or bugging her so she left it alone. After several seconds of slightly uncomfortable silence he revealed that he did indeed have a name and that it was Zalen, he then thanked her for helping him and her eyes showed her surprise,

"It's no problem, I only wish we could have met under different circumstances and not because you have a hole in your body that needs plugging." She smiled slightly, attempting a small stab at humor, maybe it would help him relax? She didn't know, men confused her a lot of the time, at least when they were simply lusting after her they were easier to understand and react to. She winced as one of the kids decided that her spinal cord was a good thing to kick, twinges running up her spine and making her tail twitch.

"Okay, i'm going to start now.." With that she lapsed into silence as she went to work, he was free to talk to her and she would listen but if she spoke herself then she might loose her concentration. Carefully so she hurt him as little as possible she cut locks of fur off from around the wound, it was a nasty looking bite mark that had turned into a rip/tear. When all the fur was cut away and to a suitably short length she unscrewed the caps on the two jars, the smell of the antiseptic permeating the air quickly and she wrinkled her nose up slightly at it. Before she applied the pastes she once again said,

"Brace yourself, this might sting some." She applied the two pastes, making sure they both soaked into the wound as deeply as possible and then began to wind the stretch gauze around his chest, finally ending with securing it with the adhesive. When she was done she leaned back to inspect her work, and tutted to herself, cutting a few straggly bits off with the scissors before finding it suitable.

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