Potential Members
You know I keep forgetting this has a main area, I keep looking at the sub-sections Big Grin

but anyway....the next time you guys move threads, can you send the creator of the thread a PM so that they know a head of time before they do something stupid like....repost the thread in the same section the original thread was moved out of. Big Grin ..... ^^; Because I feel stupid after that.

But anywhoooooooo. I just need four more people interested. Pweeese? Smile There are cookies XD

....I know bribes are never good. OH,oh, like I was saying in the remake of this thread, any advise for what I need info wise, or the amount of info needed to make it good would be a lot of help. Smile

And while I'm on the topic, I may as well bring up another pack subject related to Lok.

The Branding: It is a form of tattooing done in the pack. Members must be willing to be branded with a Rune or Bindrune upon their skin. (members do not have to be branded. Tongue). They who would most likely have to be branded: Alpha, Beta, Omega, Peacekeeper, Elites, Assassins, and Mercinaries. (again members would not have to be branded.) The brand is usually placed beneath one of the eyes (cheeks), in the inside of the arm located near wrist, or upon the neck (non-luperci usually would get it here instead of the wrist). Since Deirdre would be the alpha of the pack, she would already be branded...self branded, and I would solo rp that out, making it post dated for probably late july. o-o

Anyway...I'm working on the Runes and Bindrunes that would be made into imprints for the branding. right now I only have the assassin bindrune picked, and the alpha's.

Also I came to the realization that I may just end up throwing my ideas out there to see what you guys think about them, and maybe the more info I throw out there about my idea for Lok, the more people I'll get interested. Big Grin

and then when I get a total of five interested parties I can finally post my first form for creating Lok. Mwuahahah *evil laugh*

........*has been watching to much Invader Zim*....

Oh, and I won't be changing the pack's name. The more I say Lok, the more it fits with my pack idea. Tongue So Lok is the pack's name....XD

EDIT: Thanks Eris.

Haha, I was so busy writing this reply I didn't even see everyone come in and reply as well...wow I'm a slow writer.

To Mya: As long as you are interested in the pack, and may actually have you character join when you are allowed to make it. Smile waiting is a thing I can do best....well sometimes. Big Grin and it's ok if your character hasn't been created yet. If you plan on creating your character still, and still have an interest, it's all good. Smile

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