I'd like to buy a vowel.

OOC - Awwww, ;D <3

Word Count → 336

She brushed back some of her curly brown hair from her face. “I’m not quite sure. I’ve left Rose in the stables before and she didn’t run off, though I’m pretty sure one of the mares didn’t take kindly to her nosey attitude. Curiosity and cats,” she chuckled a bit, “Pretty stereotypical, but so true. I don’t know what you think of leaving a pup and a cat alone together though.” The fae’s thoughts were not organized at that point at all. She was too happy and too strange of a girl in general.

He didn’t have a home, not that she really cared. She was standing there, holding Rose who was still happily beaming towards the pup. She took a bit of a pace toward the part of Thornbury that had way more empty houses. Turning back to him, cradling her kit, and flashing him a smile again. “I’m sure we could find a place for the night... The stables are okay; I slept there a few times. However, I’ve found a preference to some of the homes. One of them is small enough that we could sleep and not have to worry about them running off without us hearing. There’s only one bedroom though...” Her voice had gradually faded with each new thought that raced into her scatter-brained mind. Gee, she was confused on how she should react to the male. Her mother hadn’t exactly carved a way for her to completely understand what a ‘good girl’ was, rather than a girl who ‘slept around.’

Her tail was wagging in a relaxed manner, with her ears perked and tongue threatening to hang out from the side of her mouth. She was still cradling her kitten who’d grown sleepy as well. Rose gave a little yawn, poking Mya in the arm with her little claws to grab her attention. Mya didn’t shriek since it didn’t hurt, but instead whispered to the feline she’d sleep soon and looked back up to Rory for his answers.

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