If only the world wouldn't get in the way.

WC: 532. It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! :d Also, you should totally correct me if I'm getting the interior of this place all wrong.

The weak sounds from the injured baby goat were overpowered by Giselle's tears, that fell onto the goat's blood-matted fur. She did not know what to do, but at least the bobcat was gone. The pale princess had not even noticed Tux's wounded leg, either, though it wasn't half as bad as the baby the young woman carried in her arms. With the stoat limping behind, the Fantasia girl took the injured yearling into the old, worn down barn.

It was the smell of hay that first hit her, a musk odor that only meant this place was unused. Loose wooden planks provided sunlight from the outside, but the burst of sunshine came from the large wooden doors, swung open by the young woman. Tears clouded her vision, unable to see much but for a pile of soft hay bundled in a corner. Striding towards it, the woman gently set the goat down, inspecting its injury for the first time. The leg was mangled, and covered in blood. The eyes of the young goat were wide with fear, and it breaths came hard. Giselle leaned back, the front part of her dress stained in the animal's blood - but at the moment she did not care. All that mattered was the baby goat.

Then a voice appeared, like an angel that had come to the call of distress. The young woman sniffled, feeling fresh new tears hit her eyes as she stood up, and watched a woman running towards her. "Over h-here, oh, please he-lp~!" She called, forgetting that her chocolate and cream companion had finally stumbled into the old place, and laid down within the doorway. He squeaked in pain, but it was not enough for the ivory girl to hear. Tux was brave, and tried to be strong, and so would not make more noise for his caretaker to worry about. It seemed that she had enough on her mind as it was.

When the dark colored female appeared, the angel that seemed to grant Giselle's wish, the girl managed a weak smile on her own face, but it vanished as quick as the wind. The young goat bleated once more, and her powder-blue eyes softened, and filmed over with tears again. Attempting to find her own voice, the mahogany haired girl choked out towards the other woman. "A b-bobcat... attacked. The.. mother.. sh-sh-she's gone. Oh, p-please.. don't die," she pleaded with the young goat, its blood beginning to seep into the hay it lay upon.

It was all she could manage to say, before the tears stained her damp cheeks again. The sadness the wolf felt for the creature that was to be considered prey was as if her own child had been hurt. Giselle could feel her heart hurting within her chest, as she sat back down on her knees before the goat. Desperate, pleading eyes looked up at the other, unsure if the other would be able to save the goat's life. Regardless, 'Elle's heart was always full of hope. "Th-there must b-b-be something you can d-do.. don't l-let it.. die." The white girl sputtered, the last word thick on her tongue, and barely above a whisper.

Image courtesy of Pink Poppy Photography@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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