The Other Side of the Coin
Its ok. I managed to get my other threads closed out. But we should try to finish this one within the next few posts eh?

Zalen couldn’t help but to let a small smile escape his lips as she joked about the wound, but it soon again replaced by a sullen face. As she began to work, the sound of fur being sheared away ringing in his ears, he began to recall the events that had played out just hours before. He had been attacked by a golden wolfess with a painted eye, she had not asked any questions just assumed that he was the person who had raped someone named Shiloh. He was completely confused as to why someone would just invade his well-marked territory and know that he was the one. Perhaps he had shared some physical characteristics with the true abuser but he could not be certain. After besting her he had she had run off with no explanation and left him hot, dazed and injured. But he knew she wouldn’t soon forget him, his teeth marks had shown from her muzzle like red lights. He knew they would scar and be visible for quite some time after.

Letting these thoughts drift into the deeper parts of his mind he looked back over at Gemma who had just finished cutting his fur, he could feel the warm night air against his tender flesh. He once again looked at her round belly, wondering how many abominations where inside her. She warned him that it might sting and he nodded. When she applied the salve he could help but twitch a bit; it did sting but it only lasted a moment, then a cool burning sensation emanated as far down his shoulder and he relaxed. As she went to get the gauze he decided to speak, Are there many coyotes in Anathema? he could help but notice there was venom behind the word “coyote”. He usually was better at hiding his feelings but the heat, the pain, the confusion were all getting to him.

He was not in his normal mind and he knew that going back to his den after this and resuming life as if nothing had happened would not do him well. He needed to leave these territories for a while, get his head straight. Perhaps he would keep heading east, away from Anathema, to see what lied beyond. It would give him a chance to heal in private and try to figure things out. Yes, this would be the best plan.

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