You'll find enchantment here.

WC: 556. I dared someone to listen to the Pokemon bicycle theme for 10 hours. She accepted the challenge o_o!

There was excitement in the male's voice, and Giselle watched his reaction carefully. The emerald eyes before her shined in the sunlight, but they also reflected the surprise at what she brought. Ivory cheeks became as rosy as the dress she wore when he complimented her, and a strange but genuine smile fluttered across her face. She clapped her hands together, expressing her own glee. "I'm so glad you like it!" He hadn't even yet tasted it, and that thought alone brought tightened the already twisting knots in her stomach. "Help yourself, as much as you'd like~" she said as invitingly as she could - the young woman knew there would be hardly any room in her anxious belly to eat much.

Giselle moved platters and trays around, pushing it closer to the male's direction. If the mahogany haired girl knew anything, she knew that males could eat. But she had also heard from her papa once that a way to a man's heart was through his stomach, but Giselle was sure she only did her best because it was all she knew. The young girl only wanted to make her papa happy, and keep that spot for her in his heart.

It seemed her thoughts were brought to the surface, as the Sadira male had asked about her cooking skill. She did not think it was much, but a soft and somewhat sad smile painted her features. Giselle stared at her hands that now rested in her lap, opening and closing them in thought. "Oh, I never cared much for.. raw meat," she began, keeping her gaze low. "So he told me that if I didn't like it, I should find food for myself. And I did, but I cooked it." Soft blue eyes shifted to look out towards the lake, sparkling in the late afternoon sun. "But then papa got sick.. and I.. had to do most of the cooking." And then, a soft laugh as she remembered the time, despite the sadness. "He would tell me he didn't like cooked food very much, though."

Giselle looked at the young man beside her, and seemed to grow a bit happier. "So I would tell him, 'You either eat it, or find something for yourself!'" The girl laughed slightly, remembering her papa's pouting face when his own words were tossed back at him, but she meant no harm. "But I could never do that to him. Even if he was stubborn, and did go to bed on an empty stomach, I always set out something for him. And in the morning, it would be gone."

She remained looking at the mottled male, her face glowing with the reminders of the past. As happy as those times were, they were also sad. Her papa would never be around anymore to mock at her for eating cooked food. She felt hot tears sting at the corners of her eyes, but she looked down and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. Giselle knew how much Silvano hated to see anyone cry. After a moment, she looked up and around him, at the books that lay piled by his side. A pale hand reached for a piece of fruit as she inquired about his side of the deal. "It's your turn, now. What did you bring?"

Image courtesy of Pink Poppy Photography@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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