I'd like to buy a vowel.

OOC - I’m not exactly sure if this counts as power play, but anyways I hope you don’t mind... Smile

Word Count → 485

Mya wagged her tail a bit, running her eyes down the irish male’s body automatically. “Eh, just one of those horses I guess. She was all hidden up in the tack room and a few mares were going insane,” she said with a chuckle. She brushed the kitten a bit, some of the dirt that was on its soft back came off. Her eyes back on his, she smiled her flirty smile again. “Sounds like a plan. How about tomorrow, that afternoon?”

She nodded at his suggestion of a couch, or perhaps the floor. The she-wolf didn’t want him on the cold floor, and she wasn’t sure how comfy the couch would be verses the bed. “I understand that you might think I’m trying to er... hint, but honestly we’d just sleep. The bed was big enough, I think, that you’ll have tons of room.” She was saying this as she moved toward the little stone house beside the stables. Swaying a bit, in step with the male once he chose to follow. She made small talk on the way over, only stopping to set down the re-energized kitten at her ankles. She jogged happily beside her momma, mewing and pouncing on random insects.

They reached the house, she quickly swung open the big oak door and swept into the house. It was just as she had left it, dark and cool with the breeze that flowed through the windows. The first room being the living room, which had a big huge fire place and couch diagonal to it. There was a broke-in recliner right beside the fire and a door straight to the one and only master bedroom in the house. “Home sweet home, eh?” She let her kitten go forth into the house first, wiggling her nose to the scents in the air. No one home, and Mya’s scent still fresh from a few nights ago. She had to admit; this was the homiest of houses in Thornbury for her. Even that hunter’s lodge she’d been to, where the stuffed animal heads didn’t even bother her, came in second to the ole stone house. Walking to the fire place, as there was no other source of light besides candles and the hearth, she plucked a match off from the top of the mantle and struck a flame.

“Make yourself at home, I guess. I’m not exactly home owner yet, but if I had to choose I’m sure this would be my place.” She smiled back over at him, moving to sit down on the couch as Rose pounced up to settled down right beside her and rest her head and front paws upon her thigh. Eyes on Rory, she resisted the urge to throw the kids off and beckon him over. Why am I so attracted to him? She wasn’t really sure, but knew she was liking it a lot.

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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