What you see ain't what you get.
The day after she'd made her commitment to Haku and the pack she'd spent the morning lounging about curled up in a ball trying to sleep, after a few hours she'd finally given up and had spent time glaring at the birdlife as the cheerful calls were made back and forth in the trees and shrugs. Shaking her head she'd admitted defeat and had headed off out of the intense woods into some more interesting areas. She'd been surprised when she'd found the human cities but hasn't lingered there long. She'd finally settled on a place to rest by the time the day was more than half over, but atleast she'd done somethong worthwhile today, like learning a bit about where she lived.

While she'd realized that the sun was beginning to grow lower in the sky she stretched out across a flat slab of rock on the outskirts of the vineyards. She liked the strange human place and had spent a bit of time sampling their fine wines, something she'd grown to like overseas, though the spirits there were mindboggling at best. She shook her head sadly at the memories of her learned mistakes and toasted her back while watching the world draw quietly around her. She could get use to this simple way of life, though she knew better than to believe that it would last long, they were at war after all.

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