Make your move, stranger.
OOC: Nah, its all good ^^ Here you go! Making Drizzt a jerk for this XP

Drizzt froze as a secui wolf walked out of the shadows and addressed him. The Russian bristled as he looked to the male, feeling uneasy. "My business is my own, stranger, and no concern of yours." He stated sharply, then proceeded to walk towards the lands of Aniwaya. If the man valued his life, he'd back down. This assassin was armed and armored after all, and was not going to be intimidated. Polite as the stranger seemed, Drizzt was frustrated to an agonizing degree at his own lack of cation in approaching the border, as well as his inability to infiltrate the packs lands.

He needed answers. And he would get them. One way, or another.

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