Little [p]aws; big adventures
So sorry for the wait on this, I have been uber busy in real life :S And with plottness for Soran.

The little patchwork girl was glad to see Anann, even if she was injured, it seemed an age since the little female had last seen the larger warrior, but then again as she grew she had been spending more and more time away from her father, she still saw him at their home, but she was growing far more content with her own company, wandering off around the lands to have adventures on her own, she was no longer the permanent mulitcoloured shadow behind her ochre father. He was of course still her role model, she still idolised him and wanted to be just like him when she was older, she too was going to be a brave protector of the packlands, they were going to work as a team and fight off evil doers and fight crime, they would uphold justice and stand for all that was good and right. It would happen of course, the little female had already planned it, so she was certain that it was going to happen, she had already decided that it would. Robin watched Anann as she she spoke, a small smile gracing the larger female's lips for a moment, the little female was not aware of what an honour it was to recieve a smile from the terribly sad fae. She said that it had been quite a feat and the little female nodded quickly.
"It was quite a battle... though there might not have been as many as I had said before." Robin replied, looking down a little, slightly shame faced as she admitted that a lot of her tale had been fictional. She hoped that Anann would not mind that the little female was telling stories, the little female didn't feel that it was lying, she was simply creating tales for entertainment, both for herself and for the cream coloured mare that had yet to have been given a name. The large female then spoke again, introducing the little female to the large black stallion, the little female looked up at him again, giggling as his breath tickled her as he bent down to sniff her. She sniffed at him too, trying to snuffle at his nose so he too would be tickled by her breath.

The little female smiled as Anann said that her little kiss had made her injury feel much better. The little patchwork girl knew that it would have, it always made her feel better, she had been certain that it would have worked on the larger female as well, having someone kiss an injury better always helped, no matter how big you got, she was sure about that as well. The little female was sure about a lot of things as it happened, she was sure that wolves were mostly good, she was also sure that those who were bad would always be punished as would be fitting to their crime. She also knew that her Daddy, Mommy and all of the pack were good wolves, so she knew that whoever had hurt Anann could not have been of the pack, he would not have been allowed in if he was a baddie, all of the wolves here were good wolves, they were her family, that was what her Daddy had told her. She looked up at Anann as she explained how she had gained the injuries, her ears drooping and her tail ceasing to wag, how horrid it must have been to have been chained up and hidden away from the world. The large female had been a real life damsel in distress, locked away out of sight and Robin had not known! she should have been there to save her, that was going to be her job when she had grown up a bit, she should have been there to defeat the baddie and rescue her. The little female was of course unaware that the world was not like her childish games or her story books, real evil could in fact win out, sometimes the bad wolves were too strong to defeat, it was a good job that the pacthwork girl was not there when Anann had been imprisoned, for she too could have met a terrible fate, but of course in her childish mind where she always played the hero of her own tales, she could have defeated the male easily. She would have protected Anann, she could have taken Daddy and Linden and the three of them could have worked together to rescue the fair maiden, she would not have taken Felicity though, her sister didn't seem to like adventuring, Robin could not imagine her to be much help either. She looked up at the larger female, she was pleased that she had been rescued and that she was safe now, even if she had been hurt. She managed a smile when the female said that the male would not be hurting anyone ever again, pleased that justice had indeed been served, though not knowing that that meant that he was dead.
"I am pleased that you have been rescued Anann, did someone defeat him and rescue you? Why did he do that to you? Why would the nasty man want to hurt you Anann, you wouldn't hurt anyone!" Robin said, looking up at the female with large blue eyes, she was genuinely confused that someone would have chosen to hurt Anann, the large female who had always been so nice to the small girl.

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WC: 915

Table by Erin


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