The Outside World
Rain watched the female, Ferrari. He had to find her but as he watched the young pup run and play he found himself shifting, wanting to play with her. "There is no need to apologize to me. I just need to find her. I fear I might have hurt her more then I should. If you don't mind I would like very much to play with your daughter. She... reminds me of someone I lost not too long ago," he said looking down and away. He missed his sister dearly and as he watched Ferrari take shaky steps towards him before muttering nonsense at him he couldn't help but smile at her. He stood, glancing at J'adore before nudging her softly. She was beautiful and a part of Rain longed for a family of his own.

But who would want a brute like him? He had just beat an innocent female close to death. She was most likely traumatized by what happened to her. Her mate had to deal with that and he knew she loved her deeply enough to stay by her side. How long would they last because of his cruelty? As he played with Ferrari he wondered if he would ever find a mate that loved him as much as Saxif loved Shiloh. She had fought for her and he knew he would fight for his mate in a similar manner.

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