-M- Beat me at my own game
Shawchert knew it was coming and though he was ready for it, the fist in the guy was a low blow, but he'd been tensed enough, the wind was knocked out of him, but he did the only thing he could do, recoil. Once he found his balance, he move as fast as he could. For his large size he was at a disadvantage. Yes he had absolute brute strength and could have broke the man in half if he wanted to, but he was slow in return. His reaction times were quick enough but to move around took him extra time and that took precious minutes from a fight. He knew he was slow, so he knew he had to try to be ready for anything, so when the man tried to sweep him from under his feet, Shaw moved away from him and as Tal was recovering Shaw came at him claws out, ready to scratch, his teeth seeking flesh....

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