-M- Beat me at my own game
((Feel free to pp landing blows to Tal ^^; I trust ya to not do any permanent damage. LOL I wish I had better drawing skills. I had a weird dream about Shaw sitting on Tal giving him a noogie. LOL))

Though the lithe scholar tried to avoid it, Shaw barreled into him. Claws met flesh, scoring the skin. Tal did the only thing he could think of and tried to bite down as hard as he could on whatever was closest to him. It may have been an arm, he wasn't sure. He danced back out of reach, his eyes narrowed. A cold gaze swept the larger brute, looking for any kind of weakness. Assorted scars and the like littered the male's body. Perhaps under the scars lay the weaknesses Tal sought. He kept moving, kept on his toes, and kept his body on the defense. His fur stood up on end. If he weren't so serious about this fight, it might have even been a comical appearance, the usually placid male fluffed up with anger. He could taste and smell blood. The tiny rational part of his mind that hadn't fled wondered if it was his or Shaw's. And then all rational thought fled as he charged Shaw again, intending to knock the larger male over, where his bulk wouldn't matter as much. As long as he could prevent Shaw from using his larger bulk, he might have a chance of surviving the insane fight he'd started.

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