Jigsaw [P]uzzles
Jiva wagged his tail. He rarely found himself in the midst of a playmate. He was always home with his mommy or out with his daddy, he didn't think there WERE any other pups in the pack. This excited the boy and he liked Robin immediately, though she was quite a bit taller than him. Niro watched the interaction and could imagine the boy just following after the girl to see what she was up to now. It seemed that Robin had heard more about him as she became very exchited when she heard his name. He smiled and nodded.

"Yes, me and your mother are friends. I would hope me and your father are as well. He is a great man. You are lucky to have such wonderful parents."

He said smiling at the girl, knowing Haven must be under the girls paw, she was such a darling little thing. She grew confused once more at Niro's mention of his birds and then excited. The change in expressions was priceless and he couldn't help but smile. He nodded, wondering if the girl had seen Marahute at all, since she was perched up on his shoulder. He followed her to the stables and Jiva ran right up to her when she was asking if he was coming too. Niro wished he had the energy or a young pup, though he could say he was still one himself, at heart now at least. Going in he let his eyes adjust, but Jiva led the way. He'd helped his daddy with the birds so often he knew wehere to find them. Tobias and Gregor were able to come and go as they pleased, and it made Niro happy that they both came back now that they knew they would get more food with Niro than they would on their own. Niro gave a soft whistle for Tobias and held out his arm. The redtail hawk glided over to Niro, a small bell jingled from his leg, Niro had forgotten to take it off the day before when they were on a hunt. The bird was still able to hunt with it, making precise kills, but Niro normally took it off so not to chafe the birds skin on his upper leg.

"This is Tobias, I'm afraid you can't pet him, but maybe Marahute when I put him up. He is a red tailed hawk.

The hawk was a tiny little baby compared to the golden eagle on his shoulder. The two birds had always clashed, but they had been getting along recently, which made Niro happy enough. The large bird eyed the boy and girl, he knew the boy but the girl made him wary. He knew children were curious, he'd found out when Jiva was younger, though he had forgiven the boy his tripe.

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